The course content addresses the following topics:
- Who does what in relation to a retirement fund and what license, if any, does it require for the purpose of fulfilling of that function?;
- The powers and functions of the board of a retirement fund and the standards of performance expected of them;
- The rights and duties of employers in relation to occupational retirement funds in which they participate;
- The regulation and supervision of pension funds and others by the registrar of pension funds;
- The prudential supervision of retirement funds and the treatment of actuarial surpluses and deficits;
- The regulation and supervision of transfers of assets between a fund and another fund or another entity;
- Whistle-blowing duties of members of the board of a fund, its principal officer, its auditor and its administrator;
- Default preservation and annuitisation regulations;
- Regulation and supervision of pension fund investments;
- Common law duties regarding fund investments, shareholder activism, sustainable investment strategies and liabilities for poor returns;
- Liquidations (voluntary and compulsory) and the cancellations of fund registrations in the absence of such liquidations;
- Retirement reform and the reform of financial sector regulation more generally.