
21 July 2025  |  25 July 2025

Mineral Economics (MINN7014A)

Applications accepted until
07 July 2025
Short Course Coordinator:
Ana-Lucia Ou Cheon
Certificate of Competence
Course dates
21 July 2025 - 25 July 2025
Applications close
07 July 2025
The aim of the course is to provide continuing professional development to engineers and technologists in the field of Mineral Economics. The course is high level and non-technical with a base in economic thought. The course provides students with a broad view of the scope and depth of the field of Mineral Economics and the historical development of the subject. Matters such as Dutch Disease, the Resource Curse, Resource Nationalism, and economic development from mineral rents are discussed and presented. The issue of the generation, taxation and application of mineral rents that distinguishes mineral enterprises from normal business enterprises is emphasised. Issues in regard to the risks facing the mining industry and possibilities for mitigating the risks is addressed. The impact of technology and R&D on the mining industry is considered. The effects of corruption in the minerals industry is also addressed.
Five days
VAT Incl. = R24,460.00

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    The course content addresses the following topics:

    Economics of exploration, measures of natural resource scarcity and classification of mineral resources; Nature of mineral rents and the mineral industry cost curve; Economics of exhaustible resources and scarcity; Marginal analysis of mineral operations, optimal rate of mineral depletion and the optimisation of resource allocations; Natural Resource Accounting, intertemporal equity, conservation, and efficiency; Effects of technology and investments under uncertainty; Economic growth and sustainable development.

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    Course reviews

    • MAP was a great introduction to the commercial side of the business for a health professional like myself. I am now able to identify and leverage synergies between my department and others in the organisation. Because of the diversity and calibre of its students, WBS has helped me increase my network and I have recommended MAP to a number of my colleagues. It was an investment worth more than the rand value of the course – and motivated me to do my MBA!
      Pumza Mokgehle
      MAP Part-time
    • Doing NMP with WBS has provided me with the basic and highly valuable skills as I prepare myself for a leadership role within my organisation. The programme had practical examples which I could relate to my real situation at work.
      Kanyile Gwija